
domotica & robotics

Everything around us is changing, the new Industrial Evolution 4.0 is started. Support of Domotica and Robotics will change the way we live. These systems should be fully modular, scalable and support many protocols. Ease of use and integration with other systems will drive this era.

Advanced Climate control 

With the electrification of more and more equipment it is important to automate large power consumers such as ventilation and heat pump systems. Full integration with home automation is therefore important. The goal is to achieve the highest possible comfort at the lowest cost, in other words real value

it consultancy

From smart cities and sustainable manufacturing, iT all starts with you. Building a smart home, fully automated, energy neutral and better providing full functionality, comfort and sustainabilty in mind. To start well prepared reaching your final goal, short term consultancy is needed for success.


There are many types of quality Domotica systems like Fibaro and others based on standardized protocols as KNX. For reliable operations and controlling all electrical and iT related systems in your house we prefer Loxone for hardwired installations and controll of your HVAC system, lighting, audio and even your swimming pool.
